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`dhall-aws-cloudformation` contains [Dhall](https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-lang) bindings to AWS CloudFormation, so you can generate CloudFormation template from Dhall expressions. This will let you easily typecheck, template and modularize your CloudFormation definitions.
## :mag: [References](https://gh.1punch.dev/dhall-aws-cloudformation/package.dhall.html)
## :bulb: [Examples](https://gh.1punch.dev/dhall-aws-cloudformation/examples/index.html)
## :book: Usage
### Use resource schema
AWS Cloudformation has massive amount of specifications, to load all
dhall remotely will be very slow and impractical.
One simply way to make import faster is by only importing just each resource you need
#### Remote import resource
let Function =
-- import Lambda Function type definition
let Fn =
-- Intrinsic functions
let S =
Each AWS String field can be either a String or a Intrinsic function, we can use `Fn.renderText "abc"` to create static string
Or `Fn.render (Ref "abc")` to create a function that ref to a string
-} Fn.renderText
let render =
-- function can be nested `render (Fn.Ref (Fn.GetAtt (Fn.String "abc.property")))`
let example0 =
{ Resources.HelloWorldFunction
= Function.Resources::{
, Properties = Function.Properties::{
, Handler = Some (S "index.handler")
, Code = Function.Code::{
, S3Bucket = Some (S "lambda-functions")
, S3Key = Some (S "amilookup.zip")
, Runtime = Some (S "nodejs12.x")
, Role = render (Fn.Ref "role logical id")
, Timeout = Some +25
, TracingConfig = Some { Mode = Some (S "Active") }
in example0
to convert to CloudFormation JSON file just
dhall-to-json < ./template.dhall > ./template.json
"Resources": {
"HelloWorldFunction": {
"Properties": {
"Code": {
"S3Bucket": "lambda-functions",
"S3Key": "amilookup.zip"
"Handler": "index.handler",
"Role": {
"Ref": "role logical id"
"Runtime": "nodejs12.x",
"Timeout": 25,
"TracingConfig": {
"Mode": "Active"
"Type": "AWS::Lambda::Function"
Other way around is build the binary of subset of the resources using nix
#### Build and load package.dhall binary to local cache
Have something like `./examples/example0.nix`, and the dhall file you want to compile `./examples/example0.dhall`
let aws =
let Function = aws.Cloudformation.`AWS::Lambda::Function`
let Fn = aws.Fn
let S =
Each AWS String field can be either a String or a Intrinsic function, we can use `Fn.renderText "abc"` to create static string
Or `Fn.render (Ref "abc")` to create a function that ref to a string
-} Fn.renderText
let render =
-- function can be nested `render (Fn.Ref (Fn.GetAtt (Fn.String "abc.property")))`
let example0 =
{ Resources.HelloWorldFunction
= Function.Resources::{
, Properties = Function.Properties::{
, Handler = Some (S "index.handler")
, Code = Function.Code::{
, S3Bucket = Some (S "lambda-functions")
, S3Key = Some (S "amilookup.zip")
, Runtime = Some (S "nodejs12.x")
, Role = render (Fn.Ref "role logical id")
, Timeout = Some +25
, TracingConfig = Some { Mode = Some (S "Active") }
in example0
Add all the resources you need to `cf-preset`, run nix-build, if the subset is not too large it will be very quick, and you will see something like:
⚠ ─ If error occured, you may need to update the sha256 in your dhall file e.g.
│ let aws = missing sha256:a04e4db67b092e40987639cca5cd845f452b3984ee7ec77172f815a31e830325
Actually the first time it will fail since you can't guess the correct sha of the subset binary, now if you update example0.dhall with the correct sha,
it should then be able to compile to `./result/example0.yaml`
let aws =
let Function = aws.Cloudformation.`AWS::Lambda::Function`
### Intrinsic Function
The following intrinsic functions are implemented, you can find examples of using intrinsic function in [Fn.dhall document](https://oyanglul.us/dhall-aws-cloudformation/Fn.dhall.html)
- [x] Fn::Base64
- [x] Fn::Cidr
- [x] Condition functions
- [x] Fn::FindInMap
- [x] Fn::GetAtt
- [x] Fn::GetAZs
- [x] Fn::ImportValue
- [x] Fn::Join
- [x] Fn::Select
- [x] Fn::Split
- [x] Fn::Sub
- [x] Fn::Transform
- [x] Ref
### Type Safe `Fn::GetAttr`
Instead of manually looking for AWS documents to make sure the resource has what attributes, we can just use `<Resource>.GetAttr.<attribute name>`:
render (Role.GetAttr.Arn "HelloWorldFunctionRole")
So the compiler can just help you find the correct attributes available.
### Sam Policy Templates
Cloudformation's Policy document is loosy type as just JSON, it is hard to get the policy right and too many boilerplates to create a Dhall JSON data
thanks to [AWS SAM](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/serverless-application-model/latest/developerguide/serverless-policy-templates.html) there are some common policy documents we can laverage
these templates are translated into Dhall functions, so you don't need to use SAM to be able to use these policy documents.
let Policy = https://github.com/jcouyang/dhall-aws-cloudformation/raw/0.9.69/cloudformation/AWS::IAM::Role/Policy.dhall
let Sam/Policy = https://github.com/jcouyang/dhall-aws-cloudformation/raw/0.9.69/sam/policy-template/package.dhall
Policies = Some [Policy::{
, PolicyDocument = Sam/Policy.DynamoDBReadPolicy (Fn.String "DBName")
, PolicyName = s "dynamo read only"
will generates
"Policies": [
"PolicyDocument": {
"Statement": [
"Action": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": [
"Fn::Sub": [
"tableName": "DBName"
"Fn::Sub": [
"tableName": "DBName"
"PolicyName": "dynamo read only"
## :coffee: Contribute
### Build and Test
> nix-shell
$ cabal build
$ cabal test
### Generate Type Definitions
e definitions are generated from config file `./config.dhall` which contains specifications used by [AWS CDK](https://github.com/aws/aws-cdk/blob/master/packages/%40aws-cdk/cfnspec/build-tools/update.sh) as well:
- [cloudformation](https://d1uauaxba7bl26.cloudfront.net/latest/gzip/CloudFormationResourceSpecification.json)
- [sam](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/awslabs/goformation/master/generate/sam-2016-10-31.json)
regenerate types definition files, simply run
$ cabal run
if you just want to regenerate dhall files without setting up haskell dev environment, just
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/data -w /data ghcr.io/jcouyang/dhall-aws-cloudformation
:warning: Known Issue
The following CloudFormation definitions will raise assertion error due to invalid type definition such as empty type or cyclic import
- `AWS::EMR::Cluster`
- `AWS::EMR::InstanceGroupConfig`
- `AWS::EMR::InstanceFleetConfig`
- `AWS::Macie::FindingsFilter`
- `AWS::Connect::EvaluationForm`
- `AWS::IoTTwinMaker::ComponentType`
- `AWS::IoTTwinMaker::Entity`
- `AWS::Lex::Bot`
- `AWS::DataBrew::Recipe`
- `AWS::FIS::ExperimentTemplate`
- `AWS::SageMaker::ModelBiasJobDefinition`
- `AWS::SageMaker::ModelQualityJobDefinition`
- `AWS::SageMaker::MonitoringSchedule`
- `AWS::SageMaker::DataQualityJobDefinition`
- `AWS::SageMaker::ModelExplainabilityJobDefinition`
- `AWS::S3::StorageLens`
- `AWS::StepFunctions::StateMachine`
- `AWS::MWAA::Environment`
- `AWS::WAFv2::RuleGroup`
- `AWS::WAFv2::WebACL`
- `AWS::ServiceDiscovery::PrivateDnsNamespace`
- `AWS::ServiceDiscovery::PublicDnsNamespace`
- `AWS::AmplifyUIBuilder::Component`
- `AWS::AmplifyUIBuilder::Theme`
- `AWS::EMRServerless::Application`